COVID-19 Protocol

To reassure our patients, clients & practitioners, here is a quick update on clinic hygiene etc.beyond our usual stringent standards, in order to keep everyone safe as far as we possibly can:

  • Patients should not attend their appointment, but call & let us know if they are experiencing or live with anyone who has experienced symptoms of COVID-19 in the last week.
  • All patients/clients should wear a face covering when entering & leaving the clinic.
  •  All appointments are staggered where possible to avoid meeting anyone else other than their practitioner.  
  • Patients/clients should arrive on time, not too early, to avoid sitting in reception if possible.  Although we recognise that elderly and infirm patients may need to.
  • Everyone is asked to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser on arrival in clinic.  There are single use hand towels in the washroom & sanitiser in reception & in each room.
  • Practitioners will ask patient to sign a form, confirming they have not had or been in contact with anyone who has had COVID symptoms in past week.  Temperature will be taken and recorded on this form too. 
  •  Practitioners will wear a visor as a minimum (per government guidelines) for all contact therapies, cleaned between patients, also either a disposable apron or a specific top or tunic for treatments (not to be worn in and out of the clinic).  Masks & gloves if appropriate.  
  • For talking therapies, a social distance of 1-2 metres will be observed.  For EMDR a visor will be worn or the screen used.
  • Practitioners will leave, at least 15 minutes between patients for cleaning & change of PPE.  There are tubs of bio-degradable wipes in each room for cleaning the couch, wipe-able cushions, chairs, desk & door handles, bannisters, reception chairs, loo, taps, door handle & front door handles.  Essentially anything that has been touched.
  • Single use couch covers and/or couch roll will be used on the couches.  Couches must be fully disinfected down between use. Only wipe-able cushions & bolsters are to be used.
  • There are screens in place in reception & in one of the rooms.
  • Treatments on the front of the face are still not allowed at the moment, sadly, but hopefully that will change soon.
  • We also need to  ensure we have up to date contact details for each patient/client, just in case we are contacted by track & trace.

We hope to see you (safely) in the clinic soon.

Karen & the team